Rosh Hashanah
Rosh Hashanah Gift Baskets Toronto

Shana Tova
ou metukah! Once
again it is time to celebrate the Jewish holiday, Rosh Hashanah, with family
and friends. A time to reflect on the year that has passed and share peace, love and prosperity for
the New Year.
-Click on a Basket Photo for more information on that item-
A specially made Rosh
Hashanah Kosher gift basket or Simcha Gift Basket, is the perfect gift way to
remind those who live too far away or aren’t able to join us around the table
how much we love them and miss them this holiday season.
Gifts for Every Reason, brings in the Jewish New Year with gifts filled with tasty upscale treats sure to impress everyone. Israeli Honey, kosher apple treats, chocolates and nuts fill our baskets along with pleasing colours and hand tied bows. All items are labeled kosher and delivery anywhere in Canada! Chag Sameach.